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With the 1st Marine Division in Iraq, 2003 

With the 1st Marine Division in Iraq, 2003, published by the Marine Corps History Division in 2006 is a unit history written by the participants in the same vein as its predecessors—The Old Breed—written at the end of World War II and— The New Breed—authored during Korea. It is a narrative describing the actions of Marines in combat during the liberation of Iraq. Portions of the story have been told by embedded journalists—but this full account is told by those who made it happen.

With the 1st Marine Division in Iraq Cov

Cannon Cockers at War - Sep 2003 Field Artillery Journal

A concise overview of the 11th Marines preparations and operations by LtCol. Michael Mellilo, 11th Marines Executive Officer during OIF I.

Cannon Cockers at War 1st Page Capture.J

Shielding the Blue Diamond - Jun 2004 Marine Corps Gazette

The 11th Marines Staff describes the development and execution of the counterfire operations used to defeat Iraq's potent artillery threat.

Shielding the Blue Diamond 1st page capt

Fire Support Coordination in the 1st Marine Division - Jun 2004 Marine Corps Gazette

LTC Gary Smythe, USA, the Division Assistant Fire Support Coordinator describes the numerous challenges the Fire Supporters of the 11th Marines overcame during the planning and execution of OIF I.

1st MarDiv FS Coord 1st page capture.JPG

Basrah, Baghdad, and Beyond

This  book, published by the Marine Corps History Division in 2007, is about Marines during the first stage of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). It spans the period from 11 September 2001 to March and April 2003, when the Coalition removed Saddam Hussein from power, and concludes in November 2003 when the Marines left Kuwait to return to their home bases in the United States. While many then believed that the “kinetic” phase of the fighting in Iraq was largely over, as we now know, it was only a prelude to a longer but just as deadly phase of operations where Marines would be redeployed to Iraq in 2004 to combat insurgents (both foreign and domestic) who had filtered back into the country. However, this phase of the fighting would be very different from the one the Marines and U.S. Army had fought in the spring of 2003 in the march up to take Baghdad.

Basrah, Baghdad, and Beyond cover captur

Map of 11th Marines Main HQ Positions

This  represents the best available data at this time for the 11th Marines Main CP positions from data provided by the S-3.  At this time, we do not have data for the Forward CP positions and do not expect to be making any additional updates without new data. 

Recommended printing:  

E-size sheet (34in x44in) landscape, on satin gloss (or gloss) finish paper (makes imagery better).

11th Marines OIF Main HQ Map Capture.JPG

1/11 S-4 Map Book

Major (then Capt.) Scot Jaworski served as the 1/11 Logistics Officer (S-4) during OIF I.  The 1:100,000 Iraq map book was issued throughout the Division.  This book contains his notations for 1/11 movements and positions from Kuwait to Baghdad.

Commanding General's Letter to the 1st Marine Division.

On the eve of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Major General Mattis, Commanding General of the 1st Marine Division released the following letter to all members of the Division outlining his expectations for the coming fight.

Mattis Letter to 1st Mardiv March 2003.j

I Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) Presidential Unit Citation.

As part of I MEF, the 11th Marines were awarded the Presidential Unit Citation (PUC) for OIF I.  The PUC is awarded to units of the uniformed services of the United States, and those of allied countries, for extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy.  The unit must display such gallantry, determination, and esprit de corps in accomplishing its mission under extremely difficult and hazardous conditions so as to set it apart from and above other units participating in the same campaign.  The collective degree of valor (combat heroism) against an armed enemy by the unit nominated for the PUC is the same as that which would warrant award of the individual award of the Distinguished Service CrossAir Force Cross or Navy Cross.

I MEF OIF I Presidential Unit Citation (

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